Monday, February 18, 2008

a man that needs no introduction...

4 years in college is too many. 6 years in college is a bit rediculous. The fact that people need to go to college to just get a job that pays well enough to put store-brand food on their milk-crate tables is rediculous. But don't let me get started on that...

The fact is, I'm burnt out. I'm stuck in the collegiate limbo rut. I'm in the between. Between still be an irresponsible post-teen college kid with my only concerns being where the next party is and when the next mid-term is and being a full-flegded adult with a job and a place to live. I'm both, and that's too much. I still get to be a college kid, because...well...I'm still in college. I get to go the parties, I get to sleep through the midterms. But I'm also pretending to be an adult. I have my own apartment, I have bills to pay.

The two sides are extremely conflicting, and I'm tired of both. I just want to be out of this! I want to graduate and enter in the real world. There are so many things I want to do! But I can't, because I'm in this strange limbo. Sure, I have my own place and a job (for now), but it's only a co-op, so in March, it's done. And the damn thing barely pays enough to pay the rent, let alone do the things I've always dreamed of. But, because I have said job, I can't do the things that normal college kids can..i.e. party all the time, stay up late, wake up late, generally not worry about much.

I want to start my life. I want travel. I want to get a wiener dog and name him Burger. I want a car. I want to make music. I want to eat at fancy restaurants. I want to move. I want to go on vacation. I want paid sick days.

I just feel like I'm waiting for something to happen, something to mix up the monotony of every day collegiate limbo. And I'm tired of waiting. I'm an extremely patient guy. Probably the most patient person I know. But I've run out of patience on this. I want to move on and start doing things with my life. Thrive, not just survive.

*currently listening to Tesla's Commin' Atcha Live after listening to In Your Honor, One By One, and Echos, Silence, Patience, and Grace by the Foo Fighters*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh hey its me meredith.
i'm with you 100% on this. I love "Thrive, not just survive."

I hope you get a dog and name him Burger, that's so cute.

Your time will come where you can do all of the things you want. Having to be patient for it sucks though.